Posted by Rhea Nobee on Oct 09, 2017
The Rotary Club of Princes Town together with eight other Rotary Clubs joined the Rotary Club of Felicity/ Charlieville at their Divali Celebration at the Namaste India Restaurant in Freeport on Tuesday October 3rd, 2017.
President Geeta Lakhan of Felicity/Charlieville welcomed all Rotarians and their guests who partook of the delicious authentic Indian buffet provided by the restaurant. President Bashir Mohammed brought Divali greetings from our Club together with the Presidents of all Clubs represented at the event.  Also present were all Assistant District Governors for Trinidad and greetings were given on behalf of them by ADG Rabindra Outar.
Guests were entertained by the wonderful dances and serenaded by the melodious voice of Dale Ramjattan, lead singer of the Band Dil Se.  Pundit Gajendra Kumar gave the feature address on the meaning of Divali and the program culminated with the lighting of deyas by all Presidents and Assistant District Governors of the Rotary Clubs.
We thank the Rotary Club of Felicity/Charlieville for their warm hospitality and for allowing us the opportunity to forge new friendships with members of the other Clubs and look forward to more fellowship in the future.