Over the last 20 years our membership has promoted a Golf Tournament, the proceeds of which are used towards financing the Club’s charitable objectives and in particular satisfying requests for medical emergencies, surgeries and requests for financial assistance from the less fortunate in the society for what may be considered to be the basic necessities of life.
This year, a total of 36 teams competed for the very attractive prizes with two 42” JVC Smart TV’s as the first Prize, Golf Carts as Second Prize and a 2 night stay at Magdalena Grand Resort with airfare for Third Prize.
Due to Covid-19 protocols this year, the prize giving ceremony was held on Wednesday March 10th 2021 at the Sportsman Verandah at the Pointe a Pierre Golf Club where our President Mr Rishi Ramlogan welcomed all Rotarians, Partners in Service, the committee of the Pointe-a-Pierre Golf club and of course the winners and sponsors of the Tournament thanking each and every one for their support. All of the winners were presented with their prizes and trophies and the evening culminated with the drawing of the raffle prizes.
Our list of winners is listed below:
1st Prize Two 42” JVC Smart TV Namdeo Boodram, Winston Boodram
Team Sponsored by TGU
2nd Prize Two 3 wheel Golf Cart Everard Bennett, Jevaughn Layne
Team Sponsored by Tiger Tanks
3rd Prize Two nights at Magdalena Navin Dookeran, Rol Seecharan
Grand Resort with airfare
4th Prize Two Tool Kits courtesy Sherry Ann Fortune, Abid Ogeer
Dumore Enterprises Team Sponsored by Alpha Transport Ltd
5th Prize Two Angostura Hampers Dr. Arvind Ali, Reynold Deonath
Team Sponsored by Harrow’s Drugs Ltd
6th Prize Two Pressure Cookers Shammi Seepersad, Leslie Martinez
Two Millenium Lakes Vouchers
7th Prize Two Hampers Omesh Dinanath, Ramdeen Deosingh
Two Millenium Lakes Vouchers Team sponsored by Sagicor
Nearest the Pin Hamper Winners:
#3 Leslie Martinez
#4 Dixon Hosein
#13 Alex Kangoo
#18 Alan Poon King
Raffle Prizes:
1st Prize One Landrover Sunglasses Kalam Sookoor
2nd Prize One Champagne Hamper Suresh Jagessar
3rd Prize One Scotch and Patron Hamper Damian Davis